Healthy eating and training tips for Spring
Refresher tips for keeping healthy
Tip 1: Water Water Water - if you are not in the habit of drinking a lot of water, form some new habits. Try making a big jug of water with a couple of slices of lemon and orange in it, add some mint leaves to add a bit of flavour and then drink it throughout the day. This is only realistic if you are prepared. If you are at home, it will be easier. If you are in work, buy a jug for work so that you start each day like this.
Tip 2: Now is the time to kick the January/February/Winter comfort food habit most people slip into. As the weather improves, so should your diet. Pull out some gorgeous salad recipes. Get back into omlettes. Make some home made soups. Cook and batch freeze nice chilli mince dishes. Get organised. Do your shopping. Make a plan. Good luck!
Tip 3: Sleep and rest. As you get back into training, remember that time to stretch, chill and sleep is essential to recharge your batteries, and ensure you are not storing up fats.