Your diet plays a huge part in your success. We recognise the effort as 70% diet and 30% exercise. Our blog gives healthy tips and advice to living a healthy lifestyle.
Drinking lots of water can reduce fatigue and headaches. Try making a big jug of water with a couple of slices of lemon and orange in it, add some mint leaves to add a bit of flavour and then drink it throughout the day.
Eatwell guide to eating healthy
Eating clean is about being mindful of the food's pathway between its origin and your plate. It's about eating whole foods or real foods — those that are minimally processed, refined and handled, making them as close to their natural form as possible. Food that has been processed are more likely to have been altered in some way during preparation. Processed foods can range from breakfast cereals, sausage rolls, pies, pastries, ready meals, microwave meals, cakes, biscuits, crisps, soft drinks which are heavy in sugar and artificial colouring.
You may see a change in energy levels, skin tone, weight, mood and an improvement in sleep patterns by simply changing to unprocessed foods. Eat an apple instead of a packet of crisps. Start today or talk to Alan about breaking these habits for your family one meal at a time.
Not all processed foods are unhealthy but some processed foods may contain high levels of salt, sugar and fat. Making simple dietary shifts can have a huge impact on your overall health, energy, sleep, and feel good factor.
When you sign up for personal training with Alan Dunne you will receive a meal plan and hints and tips for healthy living, keeping you focussed on your goal. We are there to support you, offer advise and encouragement so if you're ready to lose weight, tone up and get fit for that special day then Personal Training with one of Dublin's most respected trainers is the right choice for you.
Personal training is affordable. It is an investment in yourself and not just for the wealthy. Starting at €40 per hour for one on one training in our semi private gym facility. We offer huge savings when you block book with a friend.
Talk to us about our TRANSFORMATION PACKAGES! We have 4 or 10 week operation transformation packages from €300 per person for 4 weeks or double up for only €350 for both of you for 4 weeks or personalised training with meal plans and diet advice. Everyone will notice the NEW YOU!