The challenge of keeping healthy and training in Covid times
Have you ever heard someone talking about BC in a very modern way? Yes I mean Before Corona.
When we think about and grieve for the life we once lived, and we cannot believe has changed so radically, we often think just about seeing our family, getting out the door to work, or being able to shake hands or hug. But so much more has changed, including how we keep fit, active and train. From walking our 2km to 5km route over and over, to finally being able to get back in a gym, just how are people coping since quarantine and Covid changed our daily lives.
A glimmer of hope
Well the good news is that it is now possible to go back to group training outdoors – or to head to a gym or fitness studio and do one on one training with your personal trainer.
Some gyms are operating a prebooking system to allow you to book a slot and ensure you are not going to be in there with too many people. It is great to see businesses find ways to accommodate people safely.
At Alan Dunne Fitness, and indeed at Swords Fitness Hub our new home, we can safely work one on one and even with two people in a small, private environment that will have a maximum of 6 people in the whole space during your training session.
We are following all the guidelines, taking temperatures and keeping details for tracing, offering contactless payment, and wearing PPE, and of course cleaning down all equipment as we go with specialized cleaning products.
This is me pictured at our new hub, Swords Fitness Hub, with all our branding on the wall.
Good for the soul
Many clients continued to train outside during covid, but so many of us really did our bit to fatten the curve while we flattened the curve, and that is OK. Survival mode kicked in and people either hit the pavements running, or else hit the takeaways. What is clear to us is that we are in this for the longer term than any of us would wish and exercise is a known anxiety reliever, and helps with our overall fitness and health so getting back to a regime of fitness allows us take back some control over the current situation.
With Personal Training, and online Pilates options available, as well as the mix of good old fresh air in your weekly programme, we can help you get back on track.
I am still anxious….
Some of the major concerns include shared equipment, reduced airflow, and the congregation of a lot of people in an indoor space.
As above the congregation of a lot of people is not an issue in Swords Fitness Hub, but what about the shared equipment and reduced airflow. We are in the process of installing new air handling units to reduce the throughput and shared airflow, which bring in fresh air continuously, and meanwhile we are well ventilated and airy, keeping the windows and doors open when we can. And again because we cap the numbers at 6 people in the space, there is no chance that it will be stuffy.
Regarding shared equipment, with minimal numbers in and one to one approach, as well as finishing our sessions ten minutes earlier it means we can both clean as we go around with you, and spend time between clients ensuring everything is deep cleaned.
Should you wear a face mask while working out?
We are encouraging clients to wear protective equipment, and we will be wearing ours too. Obviously there are some instances whereby it is not feasible to wear masks and we know that, but we do ask that where you can, you do.